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2010-12-29 15:59 阅读:4280 来源:爱爱医U盘 作者:大*勒 责任编辑:大弥勒
[导读] 外语是每一位医务人员应该掌握的工具。**以来,随着国际交往的不断增加,因语言障碍造成的沟通困难日曾突出,掌握外语就显得尤为重要。要掌握一门外语,唯一的办法就是多读、多听、多说、多写,捷径是没有的。
  Case 2 9 : CraniospinaL meningioma
  A 36-year-old man came to our attention because of a 2-year history of unsteady gait.  Neurological examination disclosed decreased sensation on the right side and ataxic gait. CT scans showed a craniospinal meningioma. Through a midline suboccipi-tal craniectomy and after removal of the laminae of Cl and C2,the dura is opened in an Y-shaped fashion with the vertical limb of the Y caudal in the midline.  The cranial border of the vertical limb of the dural incision lies at the foramen magnum, and it may encounter the occipital sinus; if this is the case, the sinus is coagulated or clipped.  The dural flap is then tacked up using 4-0sutures placed under tension using hemostats.The tumor located in correspondence of the anterior margin of the foramen magnum and pushing the craniocervical junction posterolaterally was completely removed. The postoperative course was uncomplicated, and the patient was discharged, independent with and an improved gait. Postoperative CT scans showed complete tumor removal.
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