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您所在的位置:首页 > 心血管内科医学进展 > 研究发现DMP1蛋白具抗血管生成作用(4)


2011-01-27 10:57 阅读:3223 来源:爱爱医编辑部 作者:水**南 责任编辑:水北天南
[导读] 一个来自GIGA-Cancer/Liège大学医院的研究队伍在《血液》刚刚出版的期刊上发表文章称,他们新发现了牙本质基质蛋白具有抗血管生成的作用,这在以前没有发现过

  "These results overall indicate that DMP1 could represent a new anti-angiogenesis molecule whose therapeutic implications would moreover go beyond their use in cancer pathology," states Professor Vincent Castronovo, who directs the Metastasis Research Laboratory at the ULg's GIGA-ResearchUnit. "In effect the processes of angiogenesis induced by VEGF also intervene in a significant manner in the development and progression of other pathologies such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and diabetic retinopathy."





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