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您所在的位置:首页 > 皮肤性病科专家课件 > 恶性黑色素瘤


2013-10-23 15:02 阅读:1715 来源:爱爱医 责任编辑:houkaifeng
[导读] 《恶性黑色素瘤》内容预览 点击下图可阅读全部幻灯片内容 catalogue What is malignant melanoma? Melanoma triggers and causes Primary sites Clinical characteristics Early clinical performance Late-stage clinical manifestations Pathological type



    What is malignant melanoma?
     Melanoma triggers and causes
     Primary sites
     Clinical characteristics
     Early clinical performance
     Late-stage clinical manifestations
     Pathological type
     2010 melanoma field progress review

    What is malignant melanoma?
    Malignant melanoma, also known as melanoma, is the origin of epidermal melanocyte or nevus of malignant tumors. The disease can be seen at any age, more seen in middle-aged and older, women slightly more than men.

    Melanoma triggers and causes

    Air pollution
    To pursue beauty
     The lack of medicine knowledge
     mmune deficiency
     Abusing the estrogen drugs
     Malignant transformation of black mole
     Racial genetic factors
     Trauma and chronic stimulation factors

    Air pollution
    Harmful ultraviolet light and some harmful material in the air make a difference of human skin, causing melanocyte abnormal expression, trigger melanoma.






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