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2013-08-29 19:52 阅读:1204 来源:爱爱医资源网 责任编辑:爱爱医资源
[导读] 《2010AAP 美国围产期和产后抑郁症的临床识别与治疗:临床报告》内容预览 Every year, more than 400 000 infants are born to mothers who are depressed, which makes perinatal depression the most underdiag-nosed obstetric complication in America.

《2010AAP 美国围产期和产后抑郁症的临床识别与治疗:临床报告》内容预览

Every year, more than 400 000 infants are born to mothers who are depressed, which makes perinatal depression the most underdiag-nosed obstetric complication in America. Postpartum depression leads to increased costs of medical care, inappropriate medical care, child abuse and neglect, discontinuation of breastfeeding, and family dysfunction and adversely affects early brain development. Pediatric practices, as medical homes, can establish a system to implement postpartum depression screening and to identify and use community resources for the treatment and referral of the depressed mother and support for the mother-child (dyad) relationship. This system would have a positive effect on the health and well-being of the infant and family. State chapters of the American Academy of Pediatrics, working with state Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) and maternal and child health programs, can increase awareness of the need for perinatal depression screening in the obstetric and pedi- atric periodicity of care schedules and ensure payment. Pediatricians must advocate for workforce development for professionals who care for very young children and for promotion of evidence-based interven- tions focused on healthy attachment and parent-child relationships. Pediatrics 2010;126:1032–1039
Maternal and paternal depression affect the whole family.This report will specifically focus on the impact of maternal depression on the young infant and the role of the primary care clinician in recognizing perinatal depression. Perinatal depression is a major/minor depres-sive disorder with an episode occurring during pregnancy or within the first year after birth of a child. A family history of depression, alcohol abuse, and a personal history of depression increase the risk of perinatal depression.

《2010AAP 美国围产期和产后抑郁症的临床识别与治疗:临床报告》完整版下载地址:





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