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2015-04-29 19:36 阅读:402 来源:医学界网站 作者:学**涯 责任编辑:学海无涯
[导读] 有粉丝通过公益**网站向《实习医生格蕾》的编剧珊达·瑞姆斯发起**,希望让“白马医生”回来。截至北京时间4月28日下午15点,已有6万多名网友签名。

  上周四(4月23日)《实习医生格蕾》更新了第十一季第21集,剧情的反转,让很多追剧迷们大呼“想不到”,甚至直呼要“弃剧”:在这一集里,万人迷的男主角Derek Shepherd因车祸去世,饰演该角色的帕特里克·德姆西(Patrick Dempsey)也将退出这部剧集。

  据**猜测,帕特里克因“耍大牌”惹恼了编剧大妈珊达·瑞姆斯,所以不但在这一集里将Derek写死,还以如此戏剧性的方式死去:身为一名优秀的神经外科医生,Derek 在被送入医院到被推进手术室的过程中,自己意识一直清楚,甚至亲耳听到一位年轻医生正确的诊治意见未能得到上级医生重视,导致他没能得到最佳的诊治,生命没能得到挽救。








  **书:请珊达·瑞姆斯将Derek Shepard带回来!





  但是,你给了我们一个“他有了婚外情”的预期,最后却将他写死了,太残忍了!你不让我们恨他,你告诉我们他是个好人,就像我们一直以为的那样,你让他回归到他的家庭,希望能与Meredith再生几个小孩,然后你又让他离开,你让他带着他的经典语句“Its a beautiful day to save lives”救回了几个人,但却让他得不到救治!一开始,你把他塑造得那么完美,就像你说的,“我们要让他性感如昔……”,方式就是杀了他?!你不应该这么对待我们这些忠诚粉丝





  (小编过于心痛,已经没法继续翻译下去了,**书英文版全文如下,如果你同样是格蕾粉,请转起!)This is important because you cannot have people invest a DECADEinto a character and then you just terminate them like that! You have people out here donating blood and organs trying to save lives, wanting to become doctors and all from committing to this television showjust to let us down like this. You've destroyed us. COMPLETELY!

  Why Shonda, Why?

  Why would you do us like this? Dedicated and die-hard fans! We DO NOT deserve this!

  We would have been better off hating Derek thinking he was cheating on Meredith than for you to just kill him off. I would rather hate him thinking he is an **erer than have him dead!

  Then the WAY you chose to build up the anticipation and kill him off?!?CRUELTY! You do not have us hating him, to show up that he is the good guy that we have always believed him to be, then have him say he's coming home to his family, wanting to add more to the family, then he leaves and saves the day! You bring back his infamous words, 'Its a beautiful day to save lives,“ have him wrap a girls intestines in dry cleaning wrap then kill him off like that! Oh and dont even get me started on how FINE you have him looking too! Its like you said, ”we're going to have him get as sexy as ever…then kill him!“ You do no DO THIS TO LOYAL FANS!

  When you killed Lexie, it was tragic, cried for days!!!… but we let you have that one THEN you kill off McSteamy! LORDT! We STILL let you have that one… but the third strike this is the third and final strike! You can NOT DO THIS TO US! You do NOT KILL off 50% of Mer-Der! YouDO NOT!

  You do not have someone survive a mass murderer, a plane crash, A FREAKING PLANE CRASH, AND A crushed hand, as a neurosurgeon…just to kill them off on a BEAUTIFUL DAY!! Seriously?SERIOUSLY SHONDA?! SERIOUSLY MS. RHIMES!?!?!?!?!

  Then because of the negligent hospital he cant even donate his organs and live on in other characters!! SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I can't even continue watching the show knowing that McDreamy's eyes, heart, lungs, kidneys, or liver is still living amongst other fictional characters?!?!!??!!?!?!?!

  It's like you've killed the President of Grey's Anatomy! The Fans are ready to serve you papers and charge you with the Patriot Act! You HAVE TO BRING DEREK BACK! NOW! IMMEDIATELY! What is Meredith going to do?! What is Zola and baby Bailey going to do!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? Did you NOT think about the kids?!

  People are not sleeping nor eating because of this tragic turn of events and you are not there to help them in any way shape or form!

  The hospital that killed Derek needs to be SHUT DOWN! The doctor needs to have his LICENSE REVOKED! 90 minutes?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! NEGLIGENCE to the fullest power!

  I think that with all the brilliant ideas and writers that you have, that you make this episode a DREAMT one. A hallucination. You cant continue the show without McDreamy. It's not going to happen. We won't allow it to happen! 10 years!!! TEN YEARS!!! That is a career of watching this show! And you want to just give us a PINK SLIP?!?! AFTER TEN YEARS?! NO MA'AM! We should sue. Because this is just wrong! Then you're giving us 2 hours of mourning for a funeral!? NO! NO! NO!!!You do NOT get to toy with our lives and emotions like this Shonda, NO! That is NOT RIGHT! How do you sleep at night?!?!!


  Thank you!





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