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您所在的位置:首页 > 精神科诊疗指南 > 2006NICESCIE+痴呆临床指南(摘要版)


2013-08-28 11:29 阅读:903 来源:爱爱医资源网 责任编辑:爱爱医资源
[导读] This booklet summarises the recommendations NICE and SCIE have made to the NHS and social care services in Dementia: supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care (NICE clinical guideline 42). ***诊疗指南下


This booklet summarises the recommendations NICE and SCIE have made to the NHS and social care services in ‘Dementia: supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care’ (NICE clinical guideline 42).






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