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2013-11-28 10:16 阅读:2939 来源:医学界 作者:孙福庆 责任编辑:云霄飘逸
[导读] 法国一项研究表明,心梗急性期出现心室颤动(以下简称室颤)的患者院内死亡风险升高,但室颤与远期全因或心源性死亡率升高并无相关性。论文11月19日在线发表于《欧洲心脏杂志》。





    结果显示,室颤患者的院内死亡率显著升高(校正OR 7.38;P<0.001)。在3463例出院存活者中,1024例在平均52 ± 2月随访期间死亡。5年总体生存率为74.4%.在Cox多变量分析中,心梗急性期并发室颤与5年死亡率升高无相关性(HR 0.78)。尽管心脏复律除颤器置入率极低(1.2%),但伴和不伴室颤患者的5年死因分布并无显著差异,尤其是心源性猝死。



    AIMS: Limited data are available on long-term prognosis or causes-of-death **ysis among survivors of acute myocardial infarction (MI) according to whether or not they developed ventricular fibrillation (VF) during the acute stage of MI.

    METHODS AND RESULTS: Among 3670 MI patients hospitalized in France in 2005 and enrolled in this prospective follow-up cohort study, we assessed in-hospital mortality and 5-year cause of death among those who survived to hospital discharge, according to whether they developed VF (116 cases) or not, during the acute stage. 94.5% of patients had complete follow-up at 5 years. In-hospital mortality was significantly higher among VF patients (adjusted OR 7.38, 95% CI 4.27-12.75, P < 0.001)。 Among 3463 survivors at hospital discharge, 1024 died during a mean follow-up of 52 ± 2 months. The overall survival rate at 5 years was 74.4% (95% CI 72.8-76.0)。 In Cox multivariate **ysis, occurrence of VF during the acute phase of MI was not associated with an increased mortality at 5 years (HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.38-1.58, P = 0.21)。 The distribution of causes of death at 5 years did not statistically differ according to the presence or absence of VF, especially for sudden cardiac death (13.1% in VF group vs.12.9% in non-VF group), despite a very low rate of implantation of cardioverter defibrillator in both groups (Overall rate 1.2%)。

    CONCLUSION: Patients developing VF in the setting of acute MI are at higher risk of in-hospital mortality. However, VF is not associated with a higher long-term all-cause or sudden cardiac death mortality.





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