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2013-11-06 09:49 阅读:1701 来源:爱爱医 作者:7****i 责任编辑:78322li
[导读] 【专家课件】 《 抑郁症 ( 英文 ) 》 内容预览: (点击下图可对专家课件进行全文预览) 【专家课件】 《 抑郁症 ( 英文 ) 》 内容简介: DEPRESSION HOW TO OVERCOME IT Hu Maorong Institute of Mental Health ,the Second Xiangya Hospital A picture of

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抑郁症 内容简介:


Hu   Maorong

Institute of Mental Health ,the Second Xiangya Hospital

A picture of an old man sitting alone on a straw chair with his head in his hands, evoking intense despair
Whose painting?

Post-Impressionist painter
Van Gogh
He was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far reaching influence on 20th century art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. today many of his pieces—including his numerous self portraits, landscapes, portraits and sunflowers—are among the world's most recognizable and expensive works of art. His depression gradually deepened. On 27 July 1890, aged 37, he walked into a field and shot himself in the chest with a revolver.

He was an American writer and journalist. He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. Unfortunately on the morning of July 2, 1961, he committed suicide by shooting himself with his rifle because of major depression disorder,MDD. Other members of Hemingway's immediate family also committed suicide, including his father, his siblings Ursula and Leicester, and his granddaughter.

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One of consequences---- suicide
I believe we everyone know of depression ,
and it is a illness ,leading to suicide.
now let’a learn some knowledge about depression.

What is depression?
Depression is an illness that causes a person to feel sad and hopeless much of the time. It is different from normal feelings of sadness, grief, or low energy .
Anyone can have depression. It often runs in families. But it can also happen to someone who doesn't have a family history of depression. You can have depression one time or many times.

What are the symptoms?
Depression is characterized by depressed mood, it may wary from low mood to melancholia, or even stupor. In severe cases ,psychotic symptoms, such as delusions and hallucination, may be present. Anxiety may be more prominent than depression in some cases.
Depression can cause different symptoms in different people, and they may be hard to notice at first. For example, a child may seem irritable. An older adult may be forgetful


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