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2014-12-03 11:17 阅读:899 来源:医学论坛网 作者:老* 责任编辑:老者
[导读] Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health近日在线刊登最新研究文章,David Haig教授认为,频繁起夜哺乳或可导致哺乳女性排卵期延迟,从而降低哺乳婴儿潜在“竞争对手”——其兄弟姐妹出生的几率。

    Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health近日在线刊登最新研究文章,David Haig教授认为,频繁起夜哺乳或可导致哺乳女性排卵期延迟,从而降低哺乳婴儿潜在“竞争对手”——其兄弟姐妹出生的几率。

    文章来源:Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health


    原文:Troubled sleep Night waking, breastfeeding and parent–offspring conflict

    作者:David Haig


    Disrupted sleep is probably the most common complaint of parents with a new baby. Night waking increases in the second half of the first year of infant life and is more pronounced for breastfed infants. Sleep-related phenotypes of infants with Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes suggest that imprinted genes of paternal origin promote greater wakefulness whereas imprinted genes of maternal origin favor more consolidated sleep. All these observations are consistent with a hypothesis that waking at night to suckle is an adaptation of infants to extend their mothers' lactational amenorrhea, thus delaying the birth of a younger sib and enhancing infant survival.





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