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2013-08-28 11:05 阅读:987 来源:爱爱医资源网 责任编辑:爱爱医资源
[导读] As a component of comprehensive pediatric care, adolescents should receive appropriate guidance regarding substance use during routine clinical care. This statement addresses practitioner challenges posed by the spectrum of pediatric subst


As a component of comprehensive pediatric care, adolescents should receive appropriate guidance regarding substance use during routine clinical care. This statement addresses practitioner challenges posed by the spectrum of pediatric substance use and presents an algorithm- based approach to augment the pediatrician’s confidence and abilities related to substance use screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in the primary care setting. Adolescents with addictions should be managed collaboratively (or comanaged) with child and adolescent mental health or addiction specialists. This statement re- views recommended referral guidelines that are based on established patient-treatment–matching criteria and the risk level for substance abuse. Pediatrics 2011;128:e1330–e1340






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