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您所在的位置:首页 > 肿瘤科医学进展 > 结肠癌疫苗的临床研究展示效果明显


2013-01-16 13:52 阅读:2537 来源:好医365 作者:网* 责任编辑:网络
[导读] 由匹兹堡大学研发的这种疫苗是该领域首款被用于人体检测的疫苗。前临床模型试验显示,这种疫苗可靶向作用于肿瘤内的异常细胞,从而发挥相关的治疗作用。该疫苗可靶向作用于一种特定的细胞蛋白,这种蛋白在肿瘤发生恶化以及腺瘤(一种前癌肿瘤)出现之前发生改变




  疫苗研发者、匹兹堡大学医学院免疫科主任Olivera Finn表示:“这种预防结肠癌的疫苗可增强人体的自然免疫监控功能,从而或能在前癌病变发展到肿瘤之前对其进行清除。这样就能避免因重复进行侵入性监控检测(例如结肠镜检查,这种检查目前常被用于发现并移除前癌息肉)而给患者带来的相关风险和不便。”


  MUC1 Vaccine for Individuals with Advanced Adenoma of the Colon: A Cancer Immunoprevention Feasibility Study


  Cancer vaccines based on human tumor-associated antigens (TAA) have been tested in patients with advanced or recurrent cancer, in combination with or following standard therapy. Their immunogenicity and therapeutic efficacy has been difficult to properly evaluate in that setting characterized by multiple highly suppressive effects of the tumor and the standard therapy on the patient's immune system. In animal models of human cancer, vaccines administered in the prophylactic setting are most immunogenic and effectively prevent cancer development and progression. We report results of a clinical study that show that in patients without cancer but with a history of premalignant lesions (advanced colonic adenomas, precursors to colon cancer), a vaccine based on the TAA MUC1 was highly immunogenic in 17 of 39 (43.6%) of vaccinated individuals, eliciting high levels of anti-MUC1 immunoglobulin G (IgG) and long-lasting immune memory. Lack of response in 22 of 39 individuals was correlated with high levels of circulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) prevaccination. Vaccine-elicited MUC1-specific immune response and immune memory were not associated with significant toxicity. Our study shows that vaccines based on human TAAs are immunogenic and safe and capable of eliciting long-term memory that is important for cancer prevention. We also show that in the premalignant setting, immunosuppressive environment (e.g., high levels of MDSC) might already exist in some individuals, suggesting an even earlier premalignant stage or preselection of nonimmunosuppressed patients for prophylactic vaccination.





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